Julia Connor
Whether moved by the terror of life or the beauty of life, one is summoned to respond. This is my fundamental understanding of love and it is what lures me to create, whatever the medium.
Julia Connor began working with clay at Chouinard Institute (later California Institute of the Arts) under the mentorship of Ralph Bacerra. After reading “Centering: in Pottery, Poetry and the Person”, she became a student and life long friend of M.C. Richards, and serves as Richards’ literary executor. The relationship with Richards was deeply formative and resulted in a lifelong devotion to both ceramics and poetry.
Connor served as Sacramento Poet Laureate under the auspices of the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts commission from 2005 to 2010 during which time she conceived of and brought about the creation of Poet Laureate Park, a permanent installation of language in steel sculptures by Troy Corliss dedicated to Sacramento Poets’ Laureate. she came to clayARTstudio814 through the Panama Pottery Collective where she and Marsha Schindler shared a studio.